In the Tom Cruise dramady Cocktail, we learn a series of rules for life and business. Coughlin’s Laws are eponymous with their creator, Doug Coughlin (played by Bryan Brown). Who was Doug Coughlin? Well, according to the man himself, he was a “Logical Negativist. Flourished in the last part of the 20th century. Propounded a… Continue reading The Relaxed Rules for Finding What You Seek
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Rule Number 1: Beware of Sharks?
When you ‘seek’ you don’t always find. That’s the second rule. Part A. Part B, then, is the logical conclusion of Part A. Rule 2, Part B: Sometimes you find exactly what you’re looking for. That only leaves us with rule number one. Because without rule number one, you’ll never find anything. When I close… Continue reading Rule Number 1: Beware of Sharks?